
  •  Environmental Planning
  • Environmental Permitting
  • NEPA documentation
  • Mindfulness Meditation Training
  • TMDL Agricultural Assessment
  • Nutrient Trading Tool Analysis
  • Transportation related plans and studies
  • Legislative analysis and policy papers
  • Coastal Zone Management Act integration and implementation
  • Environmental permit compliance monitoring
  • NPDES Storm drain Inventory Inspection and Program Management

Evaluating infrastructure projects in the transportation, energy and agriculture sectors for potential impacts to natural resources and preparing environmental compliance documentation for regulations such as NEPA, CEQA, MEPA as well as TMDL analysis.

Preparation and/or review of environmental permitting applications for infrastructure projects in the transportation, energy and agriculture sectors including permits for Maryland Wetlands and Waterways Program, California Coastal Commission, and Maryland Nutrient Trading Program.

Mindfulness Meditation Training to develop awareness and ease in the workplace. 

Assisting agricultural producers participating in the Maryland Nutrient Trading Program with on-farm BMP Identification and Baseline Credit Verification utilizing the Nutrient Trading Tool.